Friday, September 12, 2008

Our Life in Christ Study begins in January

All are welcome to join in this Bible Study that explores the foundations of the Christian faith. It begins Thursday, January 22, 2009. 7-8:30pm at Immanuel Lutheran Student Center.

How does a person learn more about what LCMS Lutherans believe and/or become a member of Immanuel Lutheran Church?

 By the Sacrament of Baptism children and adults become baptized members of God’s family and our fellowship.

 Youth are taught the foundations of the Christian faith according to Luther’s Small Catechism, usually during grades 6, 7, and 8, preparing for Junior Confirmation. Through this learning process, one becomes a confirmed member of the congregation and is admitted to participation in the Lord’s Supper.

 Adults not previously instructed and confirmed in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod participate in the “Our Life in Christ” Bible Study, a twelve-lesson study of the Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism. Those who have learned what the congregation confesses, teaches, and practices have the opportunity to become confirmed members of Immanuel, if they wish. All are welcome to participate in this study, with no expectation or obligation to join the church. However, we would rejoice to have you walking with us in faith in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

 The next 12-week series of this class begins at 7pm Thursday, January 22, 2009 at Immanuel Student Center, 303 N. Clay St.

Our Life in Christ
Catechism Bible Study

Lesson I
• Introduction to the Bible and Catechism. Knowing about God. Knowing God. Luke 15:11-32. Is there one way to heaven? Law and Gospel.
Lesson II
• Commandments 1, 2, 3. American “idols.” Bad and good ways to use God’s name. Reasons to be thankful. Do we have to worship on Sunday? What’s a Sabbath? Honoring God’s Word.
Lesson III
• Commandments 4, 5, 6, 7. Love for God. Love for neighbor. Who has authority for me on earth? What about murder, hatred, abortion, and taking care of my body? God’s gift of sexuality and marriage. What about divorce? Have I stolen anything? How can I be a better steward?
Lesson IV
• Commandments 8-10. Gossip. Reputation. Standing up for my neighbors’ honor. Coveting and the gift of contentment. Actual sin. Original sin. Sins of omission and commission. The purposes of the Law. Revisiting Law and Gospel.
Lesson V
• Apostles’ Creed. God the Father. Creation. Angels. The Fall into sin.
Lesson VI
• Apostles’ Creed, Second article. The nature and the work of Jesus, the Christ. Was Jesus damned? Did he bodily rise from the grave, or just spiritually? The return of Christ.
Lesson VII
• Apostles’ Creed, third Article. The person and work of the Holy Spirit. What is “the Church”? What about different Christian denominations? The central doctrine of the faith: Justification by grace, through faith, for Christ’s sake. Will my body be resurrected? Eternal life now and forever.
Lesson VIII
• Prayer. Are all prayers heard by God? God answers every Christian prayer. How should I pray? Do I have to forgive someone who sins against me? What’s the greatest evil? Does “Amen” mean the end?
Lesson IX
• The Sacrament of Baptism. What’s a sacrament? Should infants be baptized? What happens in baptism? Should you be re-baptized once you’ve come back to the faith? Can I be immersed? Must I be baptized? How do I live my baptism every day?
Lesson X
• Confession, Absolution, and the Office of the Keys. What is repentance? Whose sins are forgiven? Why can’t women be ordained into the pastoral office? Is a pastor a servant or a lord? Should we ever excommunicate a person from the church? I don’t want to know if your church is friendly, I want to know if it’s forgiving.
Lesson XI
• The Sacrament of the Altar – Holy Communion. The real presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper. How should I prepare? Why close communion? Am I worthy? What are the benefits of the Lord’s Supper?
Lesson XII
• A brief history of Martin Luther, and the Lutheran Church. Wrap up. Loose ends. What next?