The past four weeks have been replete with good things around here, we just haven't posted any of them here. Sorry. The Christ on Campus Weekend at Indiana was great, and so have the Bible Studies, Horseplay, and social gatherings. The Lounge has been updated tremendously. Use it for movie nights, gaming, and friendship. The new carpet on the first level is wonderful. And, we have been meeting for daily prayer in the University Union Chicago Room at 7:30am, M-F.
Now Lent begins, a time for meditation on our Lord's Passion, prayer, and mercy.
Midweek Lenten Services are held in the Student Center Chapel every Wednesday night at 7pm. Soup Supper begins at 6pm in the basement. All are welcome. Oh, and Bible Study in the Gospel of Matthew is at 8:15pm.
Our Lenten theme: "Not Our Plans -- HIS Plan." Come.
And, let us pray The Litany daily throughout Lent. You'll find it on page 127 in the "Devotional Companion For College Students" Pray it with others. Read more: